Dear users, good day! Meet the updates in the "First PDF" program!
Welcome, dear visitors and users of "First PDF"!
We are pleased to inform you about the significant changes that have occurred over the past year. These improvements are aimed at improving the quality of our application and meeting the needs of our customers.
Friends, starting from 2023, the "First PDF" program is distributed according to the following principle:
FREE for personal use.
PAID - for legal entities and companies.
The software is provided on an "as is" basis. The licensor does not provide any guarantees regarding the flawless and uninterrupted operation of the Software, compliance of the Software with your specific goals and expectations, and does not provide any other warranties.
The "First PDF" program has achieved another record!
In the last 3 months, it has been downloaded over 150,000 times.
We have updated the program and improved its performance with PDF documents. Additionally, we have optimized the conversion algorithm for weaker and lower-powered computers.
In version 4.4 (from March 14, 2019), we have taken into account your feedback and significantly improved the quality of Word documents, fixed any issues and errors.
Meet the new version of the program! Version 4.3 includes the following fixes:
Good day! We have analyzed hundreds of emails from our clients, corrected errors and inaccuracies, improved the quality of conversion in ALL directions, and released a new version of the First PDF 4.2 program.
Thank you to everyone who participated in preparing this version of the program, and we hope that you will be pleased with the process of using the program! Wishing you all success.
Congratulations to everyone on the New Year 2018! We wish you happiness, success, and good health.
In this year, we plan to release a new version of the First PDF program. We will add new features, new conversion directions. We will correct errors that have accumulated over months of testing. Thank you all for your patience and help!
We are pleased to announce that in the last month, our program for converting PDF files has been downloaded more than 75,000 times.
We have received comments and specific suggestions from you related to improving the quality of conversion and the functionality of the program. In version 4.1 (from November 16, 2016), we tried to take into account your wishes and added support for the DOCX format, significantly improved text recognition quality (OCR), scanner functionality, and also corrected shortcomings and errors.
Thanks to you and your feedback, we have room to grow and develop. Thank you!
Good day, everyone!
In recent months, we have been diligently working on the new version of First PDF 4.0 with the ability to scan images (pictures). The new version of First PDF (OCR) is now available for download.
We would be very happy to receive your feedback and suggestions.
We are pleased to announce that we have released a new version of the program - 3.7
Errors with tables in Excel files have been fixed
Improved optical character recognition algorithm
We would like to CONGRATULATE all visitors of the portal on the upcoming New Year and wish you success and happiness in the NEW year!
May the coming year bring a sea of positivity and only good news. :-)
We would like to thank our users and website visitors for their feedback and test files. You are helping us greatly in improving the quality of the program.
Over the summer months, we have gathered a number of your suggestions for improving the program. We have incorporated your feedback and fixed several errors. Introducing the new version of the program 3.6 from September 2015.
We are pleased to announce that we have released a new version of the FIRTS PDF program with full OCR recognition support.
Good day to all.
In recent months, we have been diligently working on the new version of First PDF 3.5 with the ability to recognize scanned PDF documents. The beta version of First PDF (OCR) is now available for download.
We would greatly appreciate your feedback and suggestions.
Friends! We are happy to announce that in the last month, our program for converting PDF files has been downloaded over 60,000 times.
Please let us know if you have any questions, constructive criticism, or suggestions for improving the quality of conversion. Our email: info@pdftoword.ru
We are pleased to announce that we have released a new version of the FIRTS PDF program:
* The trial version of the First PDF program allows you to convert your files for 30 days or 100 conversions.
* Improved PDF file handling.
* Added the ability to convert PDF files to HTML, EXCEL, and XML formats.
* Completely redesigned the program's design and interface.
* Improved activation system.
Friends. Every minute, 12-15 PDF documents are being converted on our server. On average, 800 documents per hour. The server is very overloaded... We ask for your understanding regarding these difficulties.
We are pleased to present to you the beta version of the First PDF 3.0 program.
Thank you all for the warm words of support and objective criticism :-)
Currently, we are developing an OCR text recognition feature, and we hope to update the First PDF program to version 3 by the summer of 2014. In addition, we are currently testing a version that allows for converting PDF to HTML, and PDF to Excel.
We congratulate everyone on the New Year and upcoming Christmas. Happiness and health to you and your families!!!
Dear friends,
Less than a month is left until the wonderful holiday! We are happy to announce that we are having a holiday sale on the First PDF program. 50% discount for everyone from December 6th to December 13th, 2013. Hurry to purchase an excellent converter at an attractive price!!!
We are pleased to announce that we have released the official 2nd version of our First PDF program!!! You can download it from the following page: DOWNLOAD.
We would like to inform the visitors of our website and users of the Firts PDF program that due to the improvements made to the First PDF Pro program, its release date is being rescheduled to June 22, 2013.
Thank you to all the visitors of our website and users of our program!
It will be exactly a year soon since we launched our website and provided the first version of the program for converting PDF files. Thank you for your feedback and wishes.... We have tried to take into account most of your comments and have prepared a new version of the First PDF program. If you would like to test it before the official release, please subscribe to receive the beta version:
https://firstpdf.sautinsoft.com/index.php. The beta version will be available after May 22, 2013. :-)
"First PDF" is a completely free program, with no limitations, no advertising, and no SPAM. You don't need to send SMS or transfer any money! If you download it from our website, you can be 100% sure that it does not contain any viruses or other harmful additions!!!
First PDF is a completely free program with no limitations, no ads, and no spam. You don't need to send SMS or transfer any money! If you download from our website, you can be 100% sure that it is free from viruses and other harmful additions!!!